There are two main tiers of membership. Please choose one of the tiers below to confirm your Goddess membership.
All dues are submitted annually and cover the following:
Mardi Gras Parade
Gay Easter Parade
New Orleans Pride Parade
Southern Decadence Parade
Invitations to all happy hours and KOG social events including Coronation and Night of the Witch (2025)
are a two income household
travel recreationally
work part time by choice or can afford to take time off
regularly eat out, buy new clothes, and attend leisure events without concern for your budget
own a car or the home you live in
have investments, retirement accounts, inherited money, or access to family money and resources in times of need
have a relatively high degree of earning power due to level of education (or gender and racial privilege, class background, etc.). Even if you are not currently exercising your earning power, we ask you to recognize this as a choice
are a single income household
are not always able to meet basic needs and rarely buy new items
are supporting other dependents
have been denied work due to employment discrimination
have immigration-related expenses
support an elder with limited financial resources
have medical expenses not covered by insurance
are an un/under-paid community organizer
have fluctuating income due to fluid hours/wages
have been significantly impacted by the pandemic and/or Hurricane Ida
We have also established a Scholarship Fund to provide Goddesses with the opportunity to provide financial assistance to those Goddesses who may need it:
If you need assistance in paying your 2024 Krewe of Goddesses dues, please email us at kreweofgoddesses@gmail.com with the subject line: Krewe of Goddesses Scholarship